The Benefits of Journaling: Your Guide to Growth

Yes. For me it is.  

Journaling is therapeutic. 

There are days when life throws curveballs, and I feel shortchanged. Then, some days soar and end on a high note. I want these days to be alive in my memory forever. I want to be grateful for them as long as I live. And then sometimes, simply life does not make sense, you know? But I want it to make sense. For times as such, journaling is what I often turn to. 

Once I jot my thoughts down, I often feel sorted and at ease. Writing helps me internalize and organize thoughts and concepts that would otherwise be difficult.

Journaling, in a way, is also a tool for me to help develop my abilities and achieve my ambitions. That's right. I regularly write about goals, experiences, and thoughts – I am surprised that some exist within me. I just never realized until I wrote them down. In a way, journaling is a great way to rediscover and uncover what is really going on within. Get the bigger picture. 

How to Journal?

Simple. Get a pen & paper. Write! 

Let your thoughts flow. Write a sentence. Or a word. Do not overthink. Whatever is on your mind? If you are still unable to figure out what to write about or how to even begin with your journaling, here are a few prompts you can use. That I often use or have used in the past.             

  • What are you grateful for?
  • When was the last time you thanked someone for something they did for you? What impact did that deed have on you?
  • What is the kindest thing someone has said to you? What do you feel about it?
  • Review a recent moment? Write about how you made time for things you enjoy?
  • What’s something good about you that might surprise your friends?
  • What can you do (or did) today to brighten someone else’s day?
  • Find something nostalgic. Take a picture of it. Write down what and why it means to you the way it does?
  • What’s a recent decision you wish you could take back? What did you learn?
  • What experience had the most significant impact in the last year/ever? What happened?
  • What’s a good lesson you have learned recently?
  • Who is the wisest person in your family? What have you learned from them recently?
  • Write down about a time someone made something special for you. Include a photo of it.
  • Write down what you feel at the moment. What made you feel like that?

One thing that is hard about journaling, though, is the discipline. How to find time for such reflection – for the things of significant value to us. Of things that have impacted or will change the day, week, year or life? How to find time to be mindful of the emotions building within that impact the interactions with the family, friends and the community?

For me, I found the answer in something that I carry with me always. My iPhone. I must say, the best thing about times today is the technology access we have. Only if used appropriately. Whatever phone you have, it is a powerful tool for journaling.

If you have a smartphone (an Android or an iPhone) you have more resources than you know. I know that Samsung has an app called 'Notes'. So does iPhone. Use it while you Uber (obviously not while driving) or at the bus stop. Perhaps while you are idling on your phone. I often use WhatsApp (message to myself) for journaling or even text messages. Just a couple of sentences or a few texts. You will be surprised by the level of self-awareness you will gain.

I am not a salesperson for Apple (although I might as well be), but the best feature I like about the iPhone is the “Journal” app. It’s free and it’s a game changer for my self-reflection habits. The best part about that app is the prompts it gives me based on my activities . For instance, I once had a conversation with a dear friend. That evening, app prompted me to reflect on the conversation and, the impact it had on me. And I did reflect on that prompt.

Here’s a Bonus Link if you want to read more: Apple’s Journal App is Easy, Free and Already on your Phone

Some might be concerned about the privacy. To address the matter for yourself, I suggest reading the App policies before you use them and decide. Personally, I use the app (almost) every day. Technology can be useful, if used correctly.  

Having said all that I did above, if you have any new ideas for me to consider, please don’t hesitate to comment below or email me. I love good ideas and learning new ways of life. 

I can be easily reached at:

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