Need Motivation Boost? Read These 2 Books

Start With Why

In the face of a challenge or when you feel lost, how do you stay motivated?

What do you do to overcome demotivation?

Maybe you are ambitious about your career or working towards improving your health. Or maybe you have a hobby you excel at - and now you want to turn it into a career. Perhaps you are the only one who sees your vision and no one else. No one believes in you. At least, not yet. 

What do you?

It's a tough spot. Isn't it? 

Yes. It can be particularly challenging to stay positive when the people closest to you - such as friends, family, and colleagues - do not share your excitement or enthusiasm. During these times, it may be difficult to stay motivated and be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel

Is giving up an option? No

So, how can you push through and keep moving forward?

Consider the 2 strategies : 

Align with your "Why":  As cliché as it sounds, motivation is the direct outcome of "why" we do what we do. The values we live by, are typically at the heart of how we think and what we do. So take a step back and reflect. (Re)align with your values. It's a great place to start for reigniting the self-belief.  Once you (re)align with your "why" - you will also be able to network with like-minded people. 

If you can form a community of people sharing a similar 'why' - you will be amazed by the support you can garner from such a community. To have (honest) supporters around you is more motivating than you might think. People who edify and lift you up when plans go awry are a rare blessing. 

Suggested ReadStart With Why by Simon Sinek

The book "Start With Why" by Simon Sinek suggests that successful leaders and organizations begin with their purpose or belief that drives and motivates. Rather than solely focusing on the 'what' they do or 'how' they do things, they understand and communicate their 'why' impactfully.

Sinek cites Apple, Martin Luther King Jr., and several other examples to illustrate how a clear sense of purpose motivates people and creates loyal followers. By understanding and communicating their 'why,' one can stand out from the crowd, build trust, and achieve long-term success by attracting those who share their values and vision.

Seek Help: A setback often clouds our clarity. Especially the big ones. It diminishes our ability to think and respond clearly. Imagine this: A layoff while in the middle of a relationship crisis at home. As I mentioned earlier, a community of like-minded people is a blessing. Once you have a community, you will see how generous and willing people are to be helpful. All you have to do is ask. 

Read the following story about a time in the life of Steve Jobs (narrated by Steve himself- Watch Here). Although this isn't an example of someone in a dire situation, it does perfectly exemplify the power and benefits of asking for help.  

"I've never found anybody that didn't want to help me if I asked them for help. I called up Bill Hewlett when I was 12 years old. "Hi, I'm Steve Jobs. I'm 12 years old. I'm a student in high school. I want to build a frequency counter, and I was wondering if you have any spare parts I could have." He laughed, and he gave me the spare parts, and he gave me a job that summer at Hewlett-Packard ... and I was in heaven. I've never found anyone who said no or hung up the phone when I called. I just askedAnd when people ask me, I try to be responsive, to pay that debt of gratitude back. Most people never pick up the phone and call. Most people never ask, and that's what separates, sometimes, the people who do things from the people who just dream about them." (Source: Read Here).

Suggested Read: Steve Jobs By Walter Isaacson

I strongly recommend reading "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson. This book offers a close peek into the life of Steve Jobs, who changed the world with his creativity, vision, and determinationBut his path as you may already know was shaped by many triumphs and failures. This book will illuminate you with valuable lessons about innovation, leadership, and following passion.  Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson is a very well-written and engaging biography of a genius who revolutionized technology. It is also a human story - of flaws, challenges, resilience and redemption. Doesn't matter if you are into tech or just love a good story, the book offers insight into the influential figure of our time.